This component can be found in the Editor folder and is responsible for visually outputting the relevant time trial data and lap state of your LapTimeTrackingObject.
This can be seen during runtime as text in the inspector by navigating to an object with the LapTimeTrackingObject component attached.
The data that this editor script exposes in the inspector is:
Number of sectors on the track.
Current lap time, formatted to be displayed as a proper time (ms)
Personal best lap time, formatted to be displayed as a proper time (ms)
IsSectorCompleted - Show the bool state of every sector in the track to see if the object has passed that sector in the current lap.
SectorTime - Show the raw value of the time taken to complete each sector in the track.
SectorTimeConverted- Show the formatted version of the time taken to complete each sector on the track, displayed as a proper time (ms)
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